Welcome to WidgetMover.

Who are we, and what do we do? WidgetMover is a unique company which allows other individuals to network with other people to fufill their needs. What kind of needs are those? Anything from development to marketing your product. Here, our aim is to help you through the stages and meet your goal.

How it works?

After purchasing your membership, you will be given the opportunity to share some of your ideas, or offer your services. You can give as many details as you want regarding what you're offering. For example, if you run a manufacturing business, you can offer your manufcaturing services to those who are looking for one. Alternatively, you can find someone who needs someone in your line of business, and get involved with their project. It's that easy!

What kind of jobs will you be looking at?

Anything from designing laptops, manufacturing bridge components, to marketing playing cards worldwide! To keep things simple, you will be tagged as one or more of the following of your choice:


Innoventor is a compound word which is composed up of 'Innovator' and 'Inventor'. People at this stage just like to brainstorm and contemplate great ideas. Typically, Innoventors are the ones looking for someone to take those ideas to the next level.


Developers, or Refiners, are the people who will design your product in a format ready to be manufactured. These people will also help you refine your idea and eliminate any imperfections.


Yes, it's hard to pronounce, but these people are the main part of your roadmap. They make the ideas real, turning them from plans to real life devices.


The last stage we take you to, marketing. Find someone who will help you sell your product(s) to the ideal audience and earn you money!

What are you waiting for? Get moving!